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Voluntary assisted dying

Illawarra Retirement Trust, trading as IRT Group, does not provide voluntary assisted dying services. We will provide assistance with access to the service if a resident in our Queensland and New South Wales centres asks for it

Permanent residents

We will enable access to a resident by a doctor or nurse who provides voluntary assisted dying services. We acknowledge that there may be times when the resident needs to leave the care centre to meet with a voluntary assisted dying service doctor or nurse if they are unable to visit the resident in the care centre. As with other external appointments that residents have for a range of reasons, IRT will help the resident leave and return again to ensure there is no impact to their care or condition.  

Non-permanent residents

If a resident is in our care centre to receive respite care or temporary care and wishes to access voluntary assisted dying services, we will help them do this. To access some features of the voluntary assisted dying service, it may be necessary for the resident to leave the care centre and return again. IRT will help the resident leave and return again to ensure there is no impact to their care or condition. 

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