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Asset audit and installation of resident phones at Marco Polo Woonona Aged Care Centre

3 November 2023

Dear family member/resident representative,

I’m writing to let you know that we will be installing telephones in resident rooms and undertaking an asset audit at your loved one’s aged care centre in the coming week.

Asset audit at Marco Polo Woonona

IRT’s Facilities Management team will be conducting an asset audit at Marco Polo Woonona on Monday 6 November.

What does it mean for your loved one?

The asset audit will involve two external contractors from aged care asset management and maintenance organisation MDFM walking through Marco Polo Woonona to make a record of items such as beds, chairs, tables and electrical items. The MDFM team will also place barcode stickers on the various assets in common areas of the facility and resident rooms. It is expected the contractors will be at your loved one’s care centre for one week.

The audit will help our team to ensure we have the most up-to-date information regarding assets at your loved one’s care centre to assist with our required maintenance and asset lifecycle schedule.

Installation of resident phones

We will be installing telephones in resident rooms at your loved one’s aged care centre on Thursday 9 November.

The purpose of the upgrade is to improve the overall user experience for residents, family members, visitors and staff.

What does it mean for your loved one?

Your loved one may notice some new faces around the care centre as team members from our telephone contractor RODIN carry out the installation.

The RODIN team will install a new handset in every resident room that has not already received an IRT telephone. The handsets are specially designed for older people, and feature three speed dial buttons and big push buttons which are easier to use.

RODIN will need to enter the resident’s room for approximately 10 minutes to install and test the phone. Staff will be on hand to coordinate the installation in each room and ensure residents are comfortable for the RODIN team to enter their room.

The manufacturer’s instruction booklet will be left with the phone, and the extension number of the phone will be displayed in large text on the handset.

Please ask a staff member if you require hands-on assistance to use the phones in the coming weeks, or if you or your loved one would like to program the speed dial buttons on the handsets with key numbers that your loved one calls regularly. This request will then be coordinated with our IT support team.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience the asset audit and telephone installation may cause to you or your loved one and will do our best to ensure we minimise the disruption to residents where possible.

Please pass this message on to others as you consider appropriate and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your support.

Kind regards

Rebecca Perry
Operations Manager – Illawarra Aged Care Centres

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