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Jun 26, 2021

Let’s talk about . . . resilience

Find out how what helped our residents cope during 2020.


We asked retirement village residents at IRT Kangara Waters what helped them cope during 2020.

Here’s what they said . . .


“Living in a retirement village you are surrounded by people. There is a sense of community spirit and people are there for each other. What we also have here at Kangara Waters is a wonderful café. It’s been a lifesaver and they encouraged people to come out and see each other. They even delivered meals at night for those who could not get out. I’ve also drawn on the notion there’s always 2021.”


“What’s helped me cope during 2020 is moving into Kangara Waters in October – it’s a community and it’s what I love about it. I’ve done a lot of walking, so that helped me. My family has also helped me – I keep in contact with my five kids and nine grandkids spread far and wide and my sister lives in Canberra. Except for not being able to travel I have not been traumatised by 2020.”


“Most definitely the example of my fellow residents. They display such fortitude when faced with the tedious and often painful aspects of ageing that one feels compelled to do likewise! We also gain comfort and support from each other. If I were to make a resolution for 2021, it would be to maintain my mobility so I can continue to enjoy this part of my life to the max.”


“Remembering God’s promises was the main thing that helped me cope. Psalm 23 says ‘The Lord is my shepherd . . .’ and that was a real comfort to me as I had become overly anxious, which I normally don’t do. The care shown by other people helped too – our son delivered groceries over the balcony, a friend baked me some gluten-free desserts and my nephew’s wife sent a ‘hug’ card.”

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