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How workplace giving makes a real difference

26 October 2020

Right now, everyone is struggling. Things look bleak, and morale is low across the country. But there are some people who are suffering much, much greater than others. People without jobs, without homes, without support networks to lean on. These are the people we want to help, who need our help. But we can’t do it alone, we need a community of supporters.

This is where MMJ Real Estate Wollongong comes in. They recognised their position to give back, and they didn’t hesitate. Age Matters workplace giving program enables a small portion of each MMJ employee’s pay to help support local older people facing homelessness, loneliness and unemployment. The program is a match made in heaven for organisations with similar local and community priorities.

Both organisations are respected local leaders, with Age Matters sponsoring the ‘Most Inspiring Employee’ award at the annual Illawarra Business Chamber’s awards, and MMJ Real Estate being finalists in a number of awards, notably ‘Resilience in Business’ and ‘Excellence in Workplace Culture’.

Through MMJ’s collective commitment to helping disadvantaged older people, real impact is achieved. And we want to extend this reach to your organisation.

For just the cost of a cup of coffee, you and your workplace can partner with Age Matters and commit to changing the life of disadvantaged older Australians. With 20,000 older Australians sleeping rough every night, any donation can help change the life of a disadvantaged person. By donating as little as $4 a week, you can provide basic whitegoods and household items for a new home. If you get ten people at work signed up, that’s the furnishing and removalist costs for a new home. For someone struggling, that’s a big difference.

Tile about donating the cost of a cup of coffee a day

Why older Australians? People over the age of 65 are the fastest growing homeless demographic in Australia, and 64% of these people will be dead within five years. Through committing to a workplace giving campaign, it’s easy to play a valuable role in helping us at Age Matters fight this complex issue. Not only will your generous giving help the lives of struggling older Australians, but by banding together as a workforce it can also boost team culture, and help provide an extra sense of purpose. All donations are tax deductible and individualised statements are provided at tax time.

To find out more about how you and your business can get involved in a workplace giving campaign, you can get in touch with the Age Matters team.

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