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Oct 04, 2019

The importance of connections

Positive relationships are important for everyone – they create a sense of security and enhance our lives. Most importantly, relationships help to keep loneliness at arm’s length.
We asked residents at IRT Parklands what’s the secret to a long and happy friendship? Here’s what they told us . . .

The importance of connections
The importance of connections

Positive relationships are important for everyone – they create a sense of security and enhance our lives. Most importantly, relationships help to keep loneliness at arm’s length.

We asked residents at IRT Parklands what’s the secret to a long and happy friendship? Here’s what they told us.

Q: What’s the secret to a long and happy friendship? 

Alan Strickland

“I believe that a long and happy friendship is formed with a person of similar interests and tastes, as we have found here at IRT with other people in the community, and more importantly respecting other people’s opinions.”

June Walker

“Keeping in touch. I think with my oldest and strongest friendships we mightn’t see each other for six months but we carry on where we left off. It’s heart felt, there are no expectations. They accept you warts and all. You can be you and be accepted – when it gets to that point it’s great.”

Bronwyn Hold

“I think respect and honesty are important and treating someone the same way as you would like to be treated. To know their faults and to love them regardless, because we all have our faults. Having things in common always helps. I think they are the basics.”

Bill Spackman

“Never having a fight, don’t argue and being honest.”

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