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Post - 7 ways to stay active in retirement

…both your body and mind. Getting a good night’s rest can improve your heart health, boost your immune health and help maintain a healthy weight. As we age the number…

Post - What is aged care and 5 signs you should you consider it

…including wound care after a hospital stay 5. Health and wellbeing Allied health services like physio, podiatry and speech pathology 6. Social connection Help staying connected with family, friends, the…

Post - 7 benefits of a good night’s sleep

…a good night’s sleep is just as important for your health as regular exercise and a healthy diet with studies showing that getting the recommended hours of rest each day…

Post - 9 foods that boost your immune system

health. Garlic can reduce your risk of heart disease, reduce blood pressure and boost your immune cell function. These amazing health benefits are due to the compounds, allin and allicin,…

Page - IRT Live Well at Home Services

…needs and create an individualised plan to help you maintain your independence, stay healthy and enjoy a better quality of life. Our allied health professionals work with you to establish…

Post - Seniors and sleep: Do we need more sleep as we age?

Sleep Health Foundation spokeswoman Dr Gemma Paech describes sleep as the third pillar of health, alongside diet and exercise. For a long time though, sleep has been the poor cousin…

Post - 7 ways to help prevent arthritis

…reason for early retirement due to ill health. Health system expenditure for arthritis is more than $5.6 billion annually, making it one of the most expensive disease groups in Australia….

IRT Towradgi Park residents

Post - Staying fit and healthy as you age

…of staying fit and healthy as you age? Sheila Milner, 73 Being fit and healthy enables Sheila to do the things she enjoys – such as volunteering, travelling, exercising and…